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Concrete Wall

Newsletter Archives

CAE Compass is a free newsletter for Mechanical Engineers and CAE Professionals. Each month, we share tips, insights, and useful resources in FEA/CAE. Check out our past editions to see what we offer.

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Decoding the Von Mises Stress

This edition throws a light on why Von-mises stress matters so much in FEA. It also explains the basic difference between Normal stress & Von-mises stress. 

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The Art of Choosing the Right Analysis Methods

Choosing the right solver for simulation can be tricky. Here are the main factors to consider when selecting a CAE tool.


Fatigue vs Endurance

A lot of people mix up fatigue & endurance. After reading this edition, you'll clear up the confusion & live happily ever after.

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Why DOFs Matter in FEA?

This edition talks about the importance of Degrees of Freedom in CAE and how they can be manipulated to achieve desired outcome.


Popcorn Guide to Implicit & Explicit Analysis

The choice between implicit and explicit analysis depends on the situation. This quick guide explains the basics.

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A Lighthearted Look at Failure Criteria

Failure criteria might sound super serious, but in reality, it's just about understanding how different materials react when pushed to their limits.


Truth about Modal Analysis

Do you think Modal analysis is limited to finding the natural frequencies of a body/assembly alone? This edition will change your mind.

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The Multiphysics Madness

What exactly is Multiphysics simulation, and how does it differ from conventional simulation? This edition will clear up your doubts.

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📈 Nonlinear Material Marvels

When we talk about materials and how they react to forces, we often think about simple stretching or bending. But some materials behave in more complex ways.

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